Columbus UK, Darlington Office Based


Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Equipment

Our CARPET range is very wide and allows you to solve the problem of carpet cleaning in any environment.

To choose the ideal machine, it is necessary to take into account some parameters: size of the surface to be cleaned, frequency of cleaning, percentage of spaces occupied, degree of dirt.

The objective in the choice is the reduction of the total cost, which takes into account not only the initial cost of the machine, but also the cost of labour, detergent, water and electricity used. Often by purchasing a slightly more expensive machine, a significantly lower total cost can be obtained, as the cost of labour and other resources used are significantly reduced.

  • Demonstrations available on request
  • Weekly flexible hire options available with Columbus Ad-hoc
  • Available for short term hire, long term lease rental and outright purchase options of new or refurbished models
  • Supplied with machine familiarisation and Nationwide account management support
  • Mobile service engineer support – cover all areas of the North East including Darlington, County Durham, Teesside, Newcastle and North Yorkshire.  We also cover the UK far and wide
  • Extensive parts, consumables and chemical stock available in the UK


For more information on the Carpet Care range and further machine advice, contact our office on 01325 371439 or click the enquiry button.

Explore the Features of The Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Equipment

Professional carpet cleaning and sanitizing

The CARPET Santoemma program includes the most complete range of machines and accessories for professional carpet cleaning, developed to solve cleaning problems in any environment. Reliability and robust construction characterize the entire range.

Furthermore, all Santoemma machines also allow you to sanitize previously cleaned carpet, eliminating bacteria and viruses. Some models are supplied as standard with devices that allow you to quickly sanitize the carpet. For other models these devices are optional accessories.

Santoemma has developed its own method for professional carpet cleaning, which allows for much better results than any other available system, in terms of:

  • quality of the results : the carpet is clean as new and gets dirty again slowly, like a new carpet
  • extremely short drying times : the carpet can be dry in 1 hour !
  • ease of cleaning operations : time and effort are considerably reduced for the operator

The Santoemma Method allows for the simultaneous and optimal application of all the factors involved in carpet cleaning: chemical action, mechanical action, temperature, time, suction .

Each of these factors has been optimized with the creation of Santoemma special systems and devices, which are applied to a basic injection-extraction machine, transforming it into a “Professional SET” for carpet cleaning.

The cleaning result is improved through the mechanical action of a rotating, cylindrical brush, which allows the dirt to be removed right down to the base of the carpet fibres, guaranteeing thorough cleaning of each fibre. When, on the other hand, residual dirt remains at the base of the fibres, this re-emerges on the surface after a short time.

The mechanical action of the brush is therefore essential for a professional result.

The drying time of the carpet after cleaning is strictly dependent on the suction force. Santoemma machines are equipped with a high vacuum suction system, designed to obtain a vacuum up to 50% higher than standard injection-extraction machines. It is possible to recover up to 95% of the sprayed solution.

This allows to obtain an extremely short drying time compared to normal machines. Not only is the drying time reduced, but a better cleaning result is also obtained , since the greater quantity of solution extracted from the fibers contains an additional quantity of dirt which is removed from the carpet. The same solution containing dirt, if left to evaporate on the carpet as normally occurs, would not leave the carpet as clean as with a Santoemma machine.

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