Columbus UK, Darlington Office Based

The household high-pressure cleaner can be fitted with numerous implements that broaden its range of use and enable it to perform not only general but also more specific cleaning jobs.

A good example is operations to unblock manholesgutters, roofs and house drains, problems for which you would normally have to bring in a specialised technician.

With the right accessory and a little manual dexterity, the high-pressure cleaner can take care of these maintenance tasks, whether routine or extraordinary, with a professional result that will surprise you. 

Unclogging outdoor pipes and manholes with the high-pressure cleaner

Pipe cleaning hoses of various lengths (6-10-15 meters) are available on the market which can be attached to the spraying gun of your high-pressure cleaner. Pressurised water flows out of the heads of the pipe cleaning hose through retro-jets that promote their forward movement, so their rounded brass tip can remove any obstructions while leaving the pipes unobstructed.

Once the required length is defined, the job is very simple:

  • connect the pipe cleaning hose to the spraying gun of your high-pressure cleaner;
  • fit the pipe cleaning hose inside the clogged pipe; this should be done slowly and carefully, trying to get to the clogged area before operating the high-pressure jet;
  • at this point you can press the gun lever, but make sure the pipe cleaning hose is inserted at least 40 cm to avoid splashing outside the pipe;
  • continue making the pipe cleaning hose move forward along the entire length of the pipe, always slowly and carefully; the high-pressure jet will allow the pipe cleaning hose to continue its stroke by removing any clogs that are before it;
  • release the gun lever to stop the high-pressure cleaner, then pull the pipe cleaning hose out of the pipe.
Unclogging house pipes with your high-pressure cleaner

Thinner and more flexible pipe cleaning hoses are also available on the market, in various lengths from 6/10/15 meters, which are designed to unclog house pipes that are smaller and more tortuous than outdoor pipes.
The operation is the same but, unlike traditional pipe cleaning hoses that unclog 8/10 cm diameter pipes, home pipe cleaning hoses can operate even in 4/5 cm pipes and can cope with the sharp bends found in household drains.

Cleaning gutters and downspouts with a high-pressure cleaner

Keeping downspouts and gutters clean and functional is very important for the health of our home. In fact, if the gutters become clogged, rainwater escapes, soaking the perimeter walls with the risk of seepage and permanent damage.

It is best to have an annual cleaning or inspection to keep the stormwater disposal system in good condition at all times.

Contact Us

Columbus UK based in Darlington, County Durham is your total solution for all types of indoor and outdoor cleaning equipment. We supply high quality industrial cleaning machines to all industries and commercial businesses in mainland Britain, including Newcastle Upon Tyne, Teesside, Durham and Wearside.

Our friendly dedicated team are available to help you with purchasing advice to ensure that you have the correct machine for your industrial floor at an affordable and cost effective price. Columbus offers premium services while ensuring affordability for all Industries.  We cover all areas from Scotland, North East of England, West Midlands down to London.

We also offer mobile service & repair support to all locations.


Tel: 01325 371 439
